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(北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)
关键词:  多星分离  姿控联合仿真  近远场分离  仿真方法
A Joint Simulation Method for Multi-Satellite Separation with Attitude Control
JIANG Zhou,LU Songtao,LYU Pengwei,WU Hanxiao,YANG Haipeng
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
Currently, accurately analyzing and evaluating the separation process of multiple stars, particularly during near-far field separation with attitude adjustments, poses challenges when relying solely on multi-body dynamics. To address the safety design requirements for a multi-satellite mission's separation, a combined attitude control simulation method is proposed, real-time attitude adjustment simulations during near-far field separation are achieved. The computed results demonstrate that, compared to specialized ballistic software, the computational error of this method does not exceed 5%. Furthermore, to investigate the influence of variables such as structural parameters, dynamic parameters, and attitude adjustment algorithms on the separation scheme, a combination of Latin hypercube sampling and the Monte Carlo shooting method is utilized to optimize the sampling space. This allows for a swift analysis of variable deviations and the impact of sampling methods on different separation conditions, enabling an accurate assessment of the separation scheme's safety. This method automates parameter settings, improves simulation efficiency, and provides robust support for the rapid validation and safety design requirements of a multi-satellite launch mission.
Key words:  Multi-satellite separation  Joint simulation of attitude control  Separation of near-far field  Simulation method

