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(北京航天发射技术研究所,北京 100076)
关键词:  运载火箭  热发射  动基座  稳定性  发射动力学
Analysis of Dynamic Effects and Influencing Factors for Typical Maritime Thermal Launch
HE Li,ZHANG Boyu,CHEN Shiye,ZHANG Yongkuo,ZHANG Yunqiao
(Beijing Institute of Space Launch Techology, Beijing 100076, China)
Considering the environmental particularity of the launch at sea, the paper analyzes the typical wave and wind environment of the launch ship. Aiming at the launch vehicle directly on the launch pad for land-based launch, the stability of this support form in the sea dynamic environment is analyzed, and the rocking limit of the launch vehicle is obtained. In order to solve the problem that the land-based thermal launch support method does not satisfy the three-stage sea launch stability, a frame stability support measure of carrier rocket is proposed, which ensures the pre-launch stability of carrier rocket through the flexible support in the frame. In this paper, a launch system dynamics simulation model composed of rocket, equivalent deck, guide frame, guide rail, flexible support and launch pad is constructed. Launch dynamics analysis under complex sea conditions is carried out. Through the analysis, the frame-type thermal launch mode is obtained under typical sea conditions. The influence laws of different factors on flight attitude and safety clearance of rocket during frame launch can provide technical support for the launch dynamic safety evaluation of sea mobile base for frame thermal launch of carrier rocket, and can be used for the comprehensive evaluation of environmental adaptability of sea mobile base for frame thermal launch.
Key words:  Launch vehicle  Thermal emission  Moving base  Stability  Launch dynamics

