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(中国运载火箭技术研究院,北京 100076;北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)
关键词:  离心机  跨界面  多相流  流固耦合
Research on Experimental Method of Multiphase Flow and Fluid Structure Interaction Across Water-Air Interface Based on Variable Body Force
XIN Wanqing,YOU Tianqing
(China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology,Beijing 100076, China;Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
The physical phenomenon of the vehicle crossing water-air interface is extremely complicated, which involves multiple mechanical coupling effects. The related studies are always relied on the scaled model experiments. The body force of the existing scaled model experiment remains unchanged, the Froude and cavitation non-dimensional numbers are considered to be simulated. However, other impact factors can hardly investigated. The control variables are extended by introducing adjustable body force environment in centrifuge, which promotes the multi-parameter simulation capability. Based on the analysis of fluid mechanism and structural deformation theory, a research plan for multiphase flow across the water-air interface and fluid structure coupling based on variable body force is formed. The effect of Reynolds number or structural deformation can be investigated under the condition of considering the influence of Froude and cavitation numbers. According to the above research plan, the simulation conditions of the scale model experiment were analyzed, and the calculation was carried out to verify the practicability of proposed experiment plan, which enriched the exploration ways for the study of cross-media problems.
Key words:  Centrifuge  Water air interface crossing  Multiphase flow  Fluid structure interaction

