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(中国运载火箭技术研究院空间物理重点实验室,北京 100076;中国运载火箭技术研究院,北京 100076)
关键词:  火箭发动机  涡轮叶片  低周疲劳寿命  叶冠  空心叶片
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41674034, 41974032, 11903040);中国科学院高层次人才计划项目(Y923YC1701);陕西省自然科学基金(2018JM1031)
Effects of Turbine Structure on Life of Turbine Blade for Liquid Rocket Engine
JIANG Jinpeng,LIU Zhichao,LIU Zhu,GONG Fan,WANG Jue
(Science and Technology on Space Physics Laboratory, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China)
Effects of shrouded blade, unshrouded blade, blade with partial-shroud and hollow blade on blade life for rocket engine turbine were studied. Results reveal that unshrouded blade avoids fatigue at blade tip, while damage at root on suction side increases. The critical point locates at root on suction side. Life of unshrouded blade is close to shrouded blade. Blade with partial shroud not only eliminates fatigue at blade tip nearing trailing edge, but also mitigates fatigue at root on suction side. The critical point locates at root nearing leading edge. Life of blade with partial shroud is larger than the shrouded blade by 116%. Thermal strain and stress could be effectively reduced by using hollow blade, and thus low cycle fatigue damage decreases. The critical point locates at root nearing leading edge. Life of hollow blade is 370% larger than the shrouded blade.
Key words:  Rocket engine  Turbine blade  Low cycle fatigue life  Blade shroud  Hollow blade

