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(北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)
关键词:  运载火箭  总体优化  气动计算  代理模型
Research on Aerodynamic Surrogate Modeling for Launch Vehicle Collaborative Optimization
SHEN Dan,PENG Bo,LI Zhouyang,GONG Yukun,LI Pingqi
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
With the transformation of launch vehicle R&D mode, rapid iteration and collaborative optimization design have become a major trend for the research. This requires that aerodynamic characteristics calculation, which is an important part of the conceptual design, can supply real-time data online. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a surrogate model that can calculate aerodynamic characteristics rapidly, in place of time-consuming CFD methods and wind tunnel experiments for overall design optimization. This paper compared a variety of calculation methods comprehensively, and chose two methods:Gaussian Kriging interpolation and BPNN, to build a surrogate model. A script program was used to drive Cart3D to generate a set of numerical experiment samples. The relative error between the sample value and the result obtained by Fluent was less than 14%.Through sample point training, internal parameter optimization, and point addition strategies, a surrogate model with a relative error of less than 10% was finally obtained. It can output real-time aerodynamic characteristics data for a certain shape, which is significant for aerodynamic design to play its role in the overall design of launch vehicle.
Key words:  Launch vehicle  Overall optimization  Aerodynamic calculation  Surrogate model

