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关键词:  快速响应压敏涂料  跨声速  脉动压力  飞行器全表面
Study on Transonic Fluctuating Pressure by Wind Tunnel Testing using Fast Response Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP)
REN Yipeng,YANG Xiaolong,LIN Song,YU Jingbo,WU Yuyu,YANG Xuejun,ZHU Li,HUANG Yu
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering;China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology;China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics)
We study the aircraft's transonic fluctuating pressure characteristics by wind tunnel test using fast response pressure sensitive paint (PSP), and we have got the fluctuating pressure characteristics in the 1.2s experimental time of the whole aircraft in transonic flows (Mach Number 0.8~1.2), and the influence of Mach Number, angle of attack (rudder deflection angle) on the distribution characteristics of transonic fluctuating pressure is analyzed in a more comprehensive way. The wind tunnel test results show that, the PSP results are consistent with conventional fluctuating pressure sensor results and the measurement error of RMS fluctuating pressure coefficient is less than 15%, which meets the accuracy requirement of engineering design. Besides, compared with the traditional pressure sensor measurement, the fast response pressure sensitive paint measurement can get the fluctuating pressure characteristics of the whole surface of the aircraft, and it is helpful to accurately capture the peak value of fluctuating pressure, identify the structure of transonic unsteady shock wave movement, flow separation and reattachment. So, the fast PSP method is a new way to study the fluctuating pressure of the aircraft, and this test method is of good engineering application value in the design of aircraft.
Key words:  Fast response pressure sensitive paint  Transonic flow  Fluctuating pressure  Full aircraft-surface

