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关键词:  球体入水  密度比  入水冲击速度  入水空泡  流体动力特性
The Investigation of Cavity Dynamics During Water Entry of the Spheres with Different Dendity
LI Daqin,WANG Guoyu,ZHANG Mindi,HUANG Biao
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology)
The objective of this paper is to investigate the cavity dynamics during water entry of hydrophobic spheres with different density by combining experimental and numerical methods. A high-speed digital camera system is established for the experiments. The numerical simulations are performed by using VOF (Volume of Fluid) and dynamic mesh methods for the water-entry of revolution body, and surface wettability effect is considered. The effectiveness of the numerical method is validated with experimental results. The effect of the impact velocity and density ratio of the hydrophobic spheres on the splash crown and cavity dynamics during water entry are discussed. Besides, comparison of hydrodynamic characteristics during water entry between the spheres with different density is conducted. Firstly, greater splash crown and air cavity form after impact as the impact velocity increases and different sphere density leads to different cavity regime, especially for the steel sphere which successively experiences the quasi-static impact cavity, deep seal impact cavity and surface seal impact cavity regimes as the impact velocity increases as well as the critical velocity for each cavity regime decreases with increasing density ratio of sphere. Meanwhile, the water jets develop at the point of pinch-off in opposite directions and boost the cavities collapse. Secondly, higher density ratio of sphere leads to a larger time-average hydrodynamic coefficient which is fluctuated by air cavity pinch-off.
Key words:  Water entry of sphere  Density ratio  Impact velocity  Water entry cavity  Hydrodynamic characteristics

