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(北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076;大连理工大学工程力学系,大连 116024)
关键词:  几何缺陷  薄壁结构  仿真分析  修正系数
Stability Correction and Application of Thin-Walled Shell Based on High Fidelity Analysis
FU Hongfei,XU Weixiu,YANG Fan,WANG Fayao,SHI Yuhong
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China;Department of Engineering Mechanics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China)
Influenced by factors such as initial geometric imperfections, the bearing capacity of thin-walled cylindrical shells in terms of stability failure requires reduction and correction based on the analysis results of theoretical models. The reduction correction coefficient obtained from experiments is difficult to consider the subtle differences of the structure and often adopts a relatively conservative value. This paper analyzes the rules of geometric imperfections of measured products for thin-walled shells with different process forming schemes and different specifications and sizes. By applying the high-fidelity modeling and analysis method considering the measured geometric imperfections, research on the simulation correction technology of the bearing capacity is carried out. Under the measured performance, the accuracy of the analysis method is verified in combination with the strength failure tests of various products. Based on the simulation analysis method, the reduction coefficients caused by geometric imperfections for the same type of thin-walled shells under different forming processes are estimated. Ultimately, the quantitative differences of the structural bearing reduction coefficients for different structural processes and size specifications are clarified. The goal of ″precise positioning″ correction of the stability bearing capacity of thin-walled cylindrical shells based on high-fidelity analysis is achieved.
Key words:  Geometric imperfections  Thin-walled structure  Simulation analysis  Correction factor

