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(北京理工大学先进结构技术研究院,北京 100081;北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)
关键词:  增材制造  蒙皮点阵结构  轻量化设计  自支撑设计
Design Method and Application Investigation of Additive-Manufactured Self-Lattice-Infilled Structure
DUAN Shengyu,XIE Jinxin,SHI Yuhong,LIU Bin,LEI Hongshuai
(Institute of Advanced Structure Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China;Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
The lightweight design of structure is of great significance in aerospace engineering. The combination of additive manufacturing and lattice structure is an important way to realize the lightweight of spacecraft structure. In this study, a novel design method of lattice-infilled structure for additive manufacturing is proposed. The weight reduction of the structure is achieved by topology optimization and lattice filling under the condition of ensuring the structural stiffness, and the octree refinement based on the lattice cell of shell boundary position is proposed to realize the self-supporting of lattice-infill structure. The proposed design method is used to carry out the lightweight design research on the beam structure of spacecraft inertial navigation unit, and the weight reduction of the structure is more than 40%. The novel self-lattice-infill beam structure was fabricated by additive manufacturing. The numerical analysis and experimental results show that the lattice-infill structure shows better stiffness characteristics than the conventional beam structure. The design method proposed in this study provides a new technical approach for lightweight design of spacecraft structures.
Key words:  Additive manufacturing  Lattice-infilled structure  Lightweight design  Self-supporting design

