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(北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)
为了提升火箭总体设计能力,通过集成化的设计工具实现设计方法的统一和规范,解决总体设计流程通过文档传递速度慢、缺乏统一接口和设计工具、设计效率低的痛点问题,提出基于数据驱动的运载火箭总体协同设计方法,并开发软件实现应用。遵循基于模型的系统工程(Model Based System Engineering,MBSE)理念,通过制定专业间接口数据规范,构建总体多专业协同设计数据物料清单(Bill of Materials, BOM),形成统一数据接口,围绕统一数据BOM模型开展协同设计工作,成功应用于总体协同设计工作中的多个场景,实现设计过程数据同源、状态变化同知。基于数据的总体协同设计方法,设计效率显著提升,设计精度与传统设计方法整体相当,局部更优。
关键词:  基于模型的系统工程  运载火箭  总体设计  协同设计
Research on Data Based Rocket Overall Design Method and Software Implementation
LIU Bing,QIN Tong,MOU Yu,LI Li
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
In order to improve the overall design capability of rockets, achieve the unification and standardization of design methods through integrated design tools, solve the pain points of the overall design process through document transfer, lack of unified interfaces and design tools, and low design efficiency, a data driven overall collaborative design method for launch vehicles is proposed, and software is developed to implement applications. By formulating inter professional interface data specifications, building an overall multi professional collaborative design data BOM, forming a unified data interface, conducting collaborative design work around a unified data BOM model, and successfully applying it to multiple scenarios in overall collaborative design work, achieving the same source of design process data and state change awareness. The data based overall collaborative design method is used. The design efficiency has been significantly improved, and the design accuracy is equivalent to that of traditional design methods as a whole, with some parts being better.
Key words:  MBSE  Launch vehicle  Overall design  Collaborative design

