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(北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076)
关键词:  分布式仿真  实体节点分配  实时求解
Real-Time Solving Algorithm for Entity Node Assignment Problem in Distributed Simulation System
WANG Hongsen,LUO Rubin,LIU Zhaoyang
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China)
In distributed simulation systems, how to minimize communications between computing nodes is the research topic of entity node assignment. A rule-based heuristic two-stage real-time algorithm for this problem is proposed. In the first stage, an optimization model with minimum expected event number is constructed and solved. Firstly, the original problem is decomposed into multiple subproblems according to the connected graph theory. Secondly, combined with caching, divided and conquer, filter and selection strategies, a recursive algorithm is designed to solve the subproblems. Then, a minimum event set covering all entities is obtained. In the second stage, a binning algorithm is proposed with the goal of trying to allocate entities connected with the same event to the same computing node, ultimately obtaining the entity node assignment solution. Practical applications show that compared to common sequential assignment policy, this algorithm can significantly reduce network communications between computing nodes in distributed simulation systems, thereby improving simulation efficiency. This algorithm can also generate an assignment solution in seconds, making it particularly suitable for distributed simulations of complex scenes containing a large number of entities.
Key words:  Distributed simulation  Entity node assignment  Real-time solving

