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(北京宇航系统工程研究所,北京 100076;中国运载火箭技术研究院,北京 100076)
关键词:  方案论证  数字化实现  结构  估重  优化
Digital Implementation and Application for Structural Weight Estimation and General Optimization of Launch Vehicles
XU Qian,GU Mingkun,RONG Yi,ZHANG Wei,ZHAO Ting
(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing 100076, China;China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology, Beijing 100076, China)
During the overall scheme argumentation of new launch vehicles, structural coefficients of those with similar scale or same propellants are used for reference and then structural weight of launch vehicle segments are calculated. As the weight of tanks, shells and other segments is given according to proportionality coefficients, it is irrelevant with the loads on the structure, which can cause large differences in detailed iterative design, so that the scheme cannot be self-consistent and has to be done repeatedly. In order to expedite the overall design process, method of fast structural weight estimation is studied. A structural weight estimation digital module is build and embedded into the overall design platform, which estimate structural weight based on the loads and in the loop, so that the precision is much better and the required time is much fewer. By this method, the risk of redesign is smaller and the efficiency of overall argumentation is greatly improved. The structural weight estimation digital module also provides the function of overall scheme comparison and optimization and weight management of launch vehicles. It played a great role in scheme argumentation of new launch vehicles, and extended its application to other type of launch vehicles and other research phases.
Key words:  Scheme argumentation  Digital implementation  Structure  Weight estimation  Optimization

