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(大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析优化与CAE软件全国重点实验室,大连 116023)
关键词:  等几何分析  形状优化  拓扑优化
Simultaneous Shape Topology Optimization of Shell Structures Based on Isogeometric Analysis
HAO Peng,ZHANG Yueyi,JIN Lingzhi,FENG Shaojun,WANG Bo
(Department of Engineering Mechanics, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis, Optimization and CAE Software for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China)
The lightweight design of shell structures is a common problem in engineering, using the finite element method to optimize the topology of shell and plate structures is difficult to achieve high-quality mesh to accurately describe the geometric model, and using the topology optimization alone will limit the design space. A simultaneous shape-topology optimization method based on isogeometric analysis is proposed in this paper. The method performs the steps of shape optimization first and topology optimization later, and realizes the optimization goal of the best material layout on the basis of the best structure shape. Compared with other combined forms of optimization mechanisms, the computational accuracy and computational efficiency are greatly improved. Three numerical examples were used to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the method. The results show that the present method achieves a higher performance optimized structure compared with the classical isogeometric topology optimization method. This will help to further broaden the scope of applications for structural optimization.
Key words:  Isogeometric analysis  Shape optimization  Topology optimization

