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(1. 上海空间推进研究所,上海 201112;2. 上海空间发动机工程技术研究中心,上海 201112)
关键词:  运载火箭  重复使用  液氧/甲烷  辅助动力系统  姿控发动机
Scheme and Development of Reusable Auxiliary Propulsion System Using Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Methane
CHENG Cheng,YANG Minglei,ZHOU Haiqing,XIONG Jingyu,ZHU Wenjie
(1. Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112,China;2. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112,China)
The application demand of airline-flight-mode aerospace transportation system is becoming more and more urgent. The reusable launch vehicle based on liquid oxygen/liquid methane (LOX/LCH4) engine has become the first choice at home and abroad. For requirements of auxiliary propulsion system of the reusable launch vehicle first stage, an integrated auxiliary propulsion system with main engine based on electric pump and an independent pressurizing auxiliary propulsion system using LOX/LCH4 are proposed. Meanwhile, the comparative selection and application advantage analysis of auxiliary propulsion systems using different propellants are carried out. The research basis of LOX/LCH4 engines for orbit maneuver and reaction control system and cryogenic tank are introduced, as well as the first integrated LOX/LCH4 propulsion system prototype in China. The auxiliary propulsion system using LOX/LCH4 engines will truly realize the propellant unity and non-toxic of launch vehicle, and help the vehicle to move towards rapid and fully reusable. The ′step by step′ strategy is chosen to give priority to the development and flight application of the pressurizing auxiliary propulsion system using LOX/LCH4, and gradually realize the application of the integrated main-auxiliary propulsion system based on electric pump, which is more practical and feasible.
Key words:  Launch vehicle  Reuse  Liquid oxygen/liquid methane  Auxiliary propulsion system  Reaction control engine

