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(哈尔滨工程大学船舶工程学院, 哈尔滨 150000)
关键词:  航行体出水  规则波浪  俯仰角  俯仰角速度  边界元
Analysis of the Influence of Regular Waves on the Water-Exiting Attitude Parameters of Underwater Vehicle
ZHI Mingyang,MA Guihui,REN Zeyu,ZHAO Jianzhou
(College of Shipbuilding Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150000,China)
A calculation model of water-exiting attitude of underwater vehicle which includes the basic governing equations and boundary conditions is established based on boundary element method.The water-exiting stage of the underwater vehicle is simplified by using the cross-section plane method.By comparing the results with the experimental data, it is found that they are in good agreement with each other, which verifies the effectiveness of the numerical model.Some researches about the influence of regular wave parameter (wave height, wave direction, period and phase) on water-exit attitude is studied by using the BEM.The results show that the wave height affects the amplitude of the wave force and has a direct influence on the water-exit attitude parameters.The greater the wave height is, the greater the influence is on the water-exit attitude parameters.The wave direction, initial phase and period mainly affect the motion direction of the fluid particles, change the additional inertia force of the wave, and change the effect of the wave force on the water-exiting attitude parameters of the vehicle.Affected by the water-exiting phase, the water-exiting pitch angle and pitch angular velocity shows the law of cosine change.With the increase of the period, the influence of the period on the attitude parameters of the underwater vehicle decreases gradually, and in this case, the water-exiting attitude parameters are only affected by the water-exiting phase.
Key words:  Water exit of vehicles  Regular wave  Pitch angle  Pitch angular velocity  Boundary element

