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关键词:  可变翼导弹  数值模拟  气动性能
Simulation Study on Dynamic Aerodynamic Characteristics of Deformable Wing Missile
CONG Xinyu,WU Jie
(Department of Aerodynamics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
After the missile is launched, the flight altitude changes from near ground to high airspace, and the air pressure and temperature change greatly. At the same time, the flight Mach number also changes from low speed to supersonic and hypersonic. The aerodynamic performance of fixed shape missile is difficult to adapt to such changing flight environment. The shape of the deformable wing missile can be transformed by the wing surface deformation, so as to adapt to different combat environments. In this paper, by analyzing the influence of different wing contraction velocity (fast, medium and slow), the aerodynamic performance of missile varying with wing contraction velocity is studied. It is found that the lift coefficient and drag coefficient change linearly with wing contraction velocity.At the same time, the changes of pressure, velocity and temperature in the flow field around the missile before and after deformation are analyzed, as well as the influence of these physical variables on the missile. The results show that the telescopic wing that changes the area and aspect ratio of the wing has high ratio of lift to drag when the wing is extended, which is favorablefor subsonic cruise.Meanwhile, the wing contraction can reduce the drag at high Mach number and improve the whole flight range of missile.
Key words:  Variable wing missile  Numerical simulation  Aerodynamic performance

