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关键词:  无线能量传输  行驶中充电  轨道优化设计  参数化最优设计
Parametric Design and Optimization of Dynamic Wireless Power Transmission System
ZHANG Junbing,YANG Shichun,YAN Xiaoyu,CHEN Yuhang,WANG Shuai
(School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Beihang University;School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University)
Wireless power transmission technology is widely used in various fields due to its convenient and fast operation, adapting to rapid replacement and maintenance, reducing the impact of cableless maneuvering, rapid expansion, substantial reduction in device battery weight, no risk of electric shock, and strong adaptability to extreme environments. For the given input and constraints, it is required to fully optimize the design of the coupling mechanism size and circuit parameters of the dynamic wireless energy transmission system, to meet the needs of a certain output power efficiency. After the previous theoretical and simulation research on the magnetic circuit of the circuit and the coupling mechanism, the theoretical basis of how the system output characteristics will change with each parameter change of the system is obtained. Based on this, the parametric design model of the dynamic wireless energy transmission system is established, and the optimization design process and steps are carried out. With the most simplified calculation process and the least workload, the parametric design of the launch track and circuit of the dynamic wireless energy transmission system is realized. This research will have important guiding significance for the multi-objective multi-parameter automatic optimization design of dynamic wireless energy transmission systems.
Key words:  Wireless power transmission  Charging while driving  Optimal track design  Parametric optimal design

