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(哈尔滨工业大学航天学院,哈尔滨 150001;湖北航天技术研究院总体设计所,武汉 430040)
水下航行体齐射出筒过程后,由于外部流体冲击发射筒底部产生“水锤”现象,对发射平台结构具有较强的破坏作用。基于雷诺时均Navier-Stokes方程,采用SST k-ω湍流模型和VOF多相流模型,结合重叠网格技术,在考虑航行体六自由度运动的情况下建立了适用于计算水下航行体齐射的数值计算方法,分析了齐射状态下“水锤”效应对首次发射筒的作用规律,并研究发射顺序对“水锤”效应的影响。结果表明:航行体出筒后筒内压力出现周期性振荡;次发筒口气团膨胀导致首发筒内压力升高;首发航行体在次发筒口形成压力峰值,并引起次发筒口压力振荡;逆序发射工况下次发筒口气团偏移至首发筒引起首发筒内压力升高。
关键词:  水下航行体  齐射  “水锤”效应  发射顺序  数值模拟
Characteristic Analysis of “Water Hammer” Volleying of Underwater Launched Sailing Body
WEI Yingjie,WU Yuyan,WANG Cong,SONG Wuchao,LU Jiaxing
(School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;System Design Institute of Hubei Aerospace Technology Academy, Wuhan 430040, China)
After the volleying of underwater launched sailing body, the “water hammer” phenomenon is generated due to the impact of external fluid on the bottom of the launcher, which has a strong destructive effect on the launch platform structure. Based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equation, a numerical calculation method for calculating the volumetric effect of underwater launched sailing body is established under the condition of considering the six-degree-of-freedom motion of the vehicle by SST k-ω turbulence model and VOF multiphase flow model and combined with overlapping grid technology. The action law of “water hammer” effect on the first and second launchers under the volleying state is analyzed, and the influence of launching sequence is studied. The results show that the pressure in the cylinder oscillates periodically after the volleying of underwater launched sailing body. The expansion of the breath mass of the secondary cylinder leads to the increase of the pressure in the primary cylinder. The first vehicle forms a pressure peak at the secondary outlet and causes pressure oscillation at the secondary outlet. Under the condition of reverse emission, the pressure in the primary cylinder increases due to the shift of the air mass of the secondary cylinder to the starting cylinder .
Key words:  Underwater launched sailing body  Volley  “Water hammer” effect  Launching sequence  Numerical simulation

