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关键词:  航天器舱门  零重力环境模拟  卸载系统
Research on Multi-Mission Intelligent Vehicle On-Orbit Service Technology
ZHAO Benhua,ZHANG Bin,BAI Zhongyi,XIA Xiangdong,REN Huaxing,WANG Yan,YU Zhen
(Beijing Spacecrafts Co. Ltd.;Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Systems Engineering)
The unloading system is an important part of deployment test equipment for the hatch-door. The emphasis is on the design and analysis of the unloading system for the launch test. Based on the complex trajectory of the space hatch-door, the two-dimensional sliding-rail suspension method is adapted to meet the needs of curve deployment. In view of the large weight, easy causing deformation of supporting parts and the difficulty of unloading, multi-point long-distance support is adapted to disperse the force uniformly. The flexible and elastic self-adaption suspension design is adapted to effectively buffer the fluctuation of operation process,and avoid rigid collision. In order to ensure the digital real-time monitoring of the hatch deployment process, a high-precision digital readable tension system of sensor monitoring is used to realize on-line tension detection during the deployment process. In order to meet the requirement of high unloading efficiency, the two-dimensional adjustable transfer module is used to adjust the multi-state hatch-door. Finally, the unloading rate is more than 96.31%. The results show that the design method of zero-gravity environment simulation unloading system for hatch-door is feasible and the analysis process is reasonable, which meets the engineering application requirements.
Key words:  Spacecraft hatch-door  Zero-gravity environment simulation  Unloading system

