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关键词:  连续爆轰发动机  火箭发动机  喷气推进
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大计划(91741202); 国防科技重点实验室基金(61427040101162700000)
Progress of Continuous Detonation Engines
WANG Jianping,ZHANG Shujie,YAO Songbai
(Center for Combustion and Propulsion, Center for Applied Physics and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Turbulence & Complex Systems, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, College of Engineering, Peking University;Center for Combustion and Propulsion, Center for Applied Physics and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Turbulence & Complex Systems, Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science, College of Engineering, Peking University;Institute for Combustion Technology, University of Stuttgart)
The continuous detonation engine(CDE) is a new concept engine, which is based on detonation waves to convert the chemical energy of the propellant into heat energy. It has been a focus for concern in the field of aerospace propulsion due to its inherent advantages. Recently, the detonation waves were obtained with various fuels and the flow field were understood further. The thrust and specific impulse initially measured demonstrated the performance advantages. Moreover, the CDE has operated successfully in the rocket, ramjet and turbo model. This shows the broad applicability of the CDE. In this paper, an overview of the development of the CDE is given from several aspects:operating principles,fundamental researches, applied researches, and so on. Representative results and outstanding contributions are summarized and the unresolved issues for further engineering applications of the CDE are discussed.
Key words:  Continuous detonation engine  Rocket engine  Jet propulsion

