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关键词:  三体追逃  攻防博弈对抗  最优制导  拦截获胜条件分析  新型拦截制导律
Analysis for Pursuit and Evasion Conflict of Three Players and Research of Novel Intercepting Guidance Law
DING Yibo,MAO Wei,WANG Xiaogang,CUI Naigang
(School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology;National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Test Physics&Numerical Mathematics)
An attack and defense game of three players, including an interceptor, a defender, and an attacker is studied in this paper. Attacker performs optimal evasion maneuver with respect to interceptor and interceptor performs optimal pursuit maneuver with respect to attacker, while defender performs optimal pursuit maneuver relative to interceptor. Considering different engagement scenarios, conditions and regions for interceptor to win the conflict of three players are analyzed. In a specific engagement scenario, interceptor will be intercepted by defender before hitting attacker, which causes that interceptor cannot finish mission just using optimal pursuit maneuver with respect to attacker. In view of this scenario, a novel guidance law is proposed in this paper. Using the novel guidance law, interceptor first performs evasion maneuver relative to defender. Meanwhile, the zero-effort-miss distance between attacker and interceptor are guaranteed to be smallest. After the conflict between interceptor and defender, interceptor performs optimal pursuit maneuver with respect to attacker so as to win the pursuit and evasion conflict of three players. Finally, multiple sets of simulation are performed to verify the effectiveness of conditions, conclusions and novel guidance law acquired in this paper.
Key words:  Pursuit and evasion conflict of three players  Attack and defense game  Optimal guidance  Interception winning condition analysis  Novel interception guidance law

