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关键词:  倾斜入水  数值计算  六自由度  弹道
Experimental Investigation and 6-DOF Simulation of Oblique Water-entry Cavity of Revolution Body
HOU Zhao,SUN Tie-zhi,ZHANG Gui-yong,ZONG Zhi
(Liaoning Engineering Laboratory for Deep-Sea Floating Structures, School of Naval Architecture, Dalian University of Technology;Liaoning Engineering Laboratory for Deep-Sea Floating Structures, School of Naval Architecture, Dalian University of Technology;State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology;Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Ship and Deep-Sea Exploration)
In order to investigate the problem of oblique water entry cavity and its related parameters, both experiment and numerical simulation of oblique water-entry process have been carried out. In the experiment, the cavity evolution of oblique water entry was studied and the cavity morphology at different times was obtained. The numerical model was constructed using the RANS method and SST two-equation turbulence model based on k-ω model, which can effectively simulate the 6-DOF movement of the revolution body. The results show that the cavity evolution obtained by numerical simulation agrees well with the experimental results, which mainly includes the stages of impacting water surface, forming cavity, appearing pinch off phenomenon, cavity cracking, cavity closure, coming out surface disordered and cavity collapse. The change of waterentry parameters has been further analyzed based on the numerical simulation. It was found that the velocity,acceleration and pressure all change abruptly when the revolution body impacts water surface and the cavity cracks. The body's deflection angle shows an increasing trend, which becomes more significant after the tail of the revolution pierces the cavity. With the increase of incident angle, the velocity of the revolution body decreases rapidly and the peak pressure increases greatly when the revolution body impacts water surface. Besides, the peak pressure appears earlier and the cavity is more difficult to be closed.
Key words:  Oblique water entry  Numerical simulation  Six degrees of freedom  Ballistic trajectory

